Pure Breed Tiny Yorkshire Terrier Puppies Available Now. in Decatur, Illinois For Sale
Price: $220
Type: Animals,
For Sale
- Private.
They are male and female .These puppies are 10weeks old ,guaranteed to be in good health , has been vaccinated, wormed and examined by a veterinarian and issued a health certificate showing the puppies to be in good health as a matter of fact they are healthy,good looking,clean and shed on them. They are currently weighing 3.2pounds and they will weigh 4.1-4.3 pounds when full grown.They love to be caressed and kissed, loves the company of children, likes to watch TV and as well seat on the couch.Contact at
(http://ciaramorgan.vflyer.com/home/flyer/home/xxxxxxxx6) for more details.