Teacup AKC male and female yorkie puppies in Decatur, Illinois For Sale
Price: $120
Type: Animals,
For Sale
- Private.
Absolutely darling baby Yorkie puppies, boys & girls, they got vaccinated and dewormed up to date. Registered with AKC. They have adorable baby face, compact body, very loving & playful. Come with 1 year written health guarantee. Teacup size puppies are going to grow up to 3 to 3.5 lbs and toy size Yorkie puppies will be 4 to 6 lbs when they get full grown. Price starts from $120 and going up to $350 depends on the size and gender of the puppy. I also provide some basic supplies (like starter kit) such as food, toys, pads, etc. For more details and pics Contact contact our wed site for more information through,,,,,www.mariacardo.webs.com
Pleas contact use through our website ,,,,www.mariacardo.webs.com