32 ACP - 71 gr FMJ - Federal American Eagle - 50 Rounds in Decatur, Illinois For Sale
Price: $21
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Manufactured under Federal's American Eagle brand, this product is brand new, brass-cased, boxer-primed, non-corrosive, and reloadable. It is a staple range and target practice ammunition. This is top of the line, American-made range ammo made by ATK (same company that makes Speer Lawman, CCI, Blazer Brass, etc) - it doesn't get any better.
Manufacturer: Federal
Model: AE32AP
Condition: New
Availability: In Stock
Source: http://www.luckygunner.com/federal-32-acp-ammo-for-sale-32auto71fmjae-50