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Bennett DVD Radar Navigation & Collision Avoidance (N297DVD) in Decatur, Illinois For Sale

Bennett DVD Radar Navigation & Collision Avoidance (N297DVD)
Price: $15
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.

Radar Navigation & Collision AvoidanceA home-study course and practical guide to radar observing techniques for the pleasure boat skipper and light commercial vessel captain. The invention of marine radar was a major contribution towards safer navigation. Casual radar observation often leads to misinterpretation of radar information, which has been the direct cause of major and minor marine casualties. Without understanding and applying the principles of relative motion, it is nearly impossible to correctly analyze a traffic situation on radar. Assumptions, guesswork and confusion are often the end result, which combined with low visibility and speed is courting with disaster. Doubts, guesswork and assumptions simply don't belong on the bridge of any vessel, including small craft. Although there are thousands of radars in use aboard pleasure craft and light commercial vessels, no serious attempt has ever been made to introduce proper radar observation procedures and techniques to th.
Manufacturer: Bennett Marine Video
Model: N297DVD
Condition: New
Availability: In Stock

State: Illinois  City: Decatur  Category: Sport
Sport in Illinois for sale

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