Hogue 01277-BLKGRY Govt G10 MgK Ck Arc GMa BlkGry in Decatur, Illinois For Sale
Price: $91
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Hogue G10 Magrip? (Mag Grip) Kits are the quickest and easiest way to add a magwell to your xxxx! The G10 Magrip Kit comes complete with a set of precision machined G10 grip panels and a G10 mainspring housing. When mounted on your xxxx, the unique design of the grip panels and mainspring housing creates an integrated magwell. - Fits: Colt, xxxx Government .45, xxxx Commander, and Clones - Checkered Arched, G-Mascus - Color: Black/Gray
Manufacturer: Hogue
Model: xxxx7-BLKGRY
Condition: New
Price: $91.42
Availability: In Stock
Source: http://www.manventureoutpost.com/products/Hogue-xxxx7%252dBLKGRY-Govt-G10-MgK-Ck-Arc-GMa-BlkGry.html?google=1