Mark 4 Rem 700 LA/SMag LR 1pc Mte in Decatur, Illinois For Sale
Price: $97
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Leupold xxxx0 Mark 4 Rem 700 LA/SMag LR 1pc Mte
Mark 4 Rem 700 LA/SMag LR 1pc Mte
Leupold mounts are every bit as rugged and dependable as the Leupold optics they're intended to secure. With a huge variety of mounting systems, for nearly every type of firearm under the sun, you're sure to find the perfect match for you firearm, and your style of shooting.
- Fits: Remington 700 Long Action/Short Mag Long Range
- 1 piece
- Matte Black"Price: $97.2