Santa's Packin More Than Presents! in Decatur, Illinois For Sale
It wasn't long ago Santa was just like you. Constantly getting poked, stuck and jabbed by his concealed carry gun. This was getting really old. He bought all those other holsters that promised comfort and concealment, but they ended up being the same old story. More wasted money on what is basically the same old holster with a new name.
He still had to wear them in the waist band and still had to pull a shirt over his gun. None of them provided the comfort he was looking for. He even tried the apron holsters. Not only were they just as uncomfortable as all those other holsters, they were very inconvenient when it was time to go to the bathroom. When it came to sitting in his car or at his desk at work, forget it! Santa found himself carrying less often and when he did carry he started carrying smaller caliber than what he was comfortable with.
Well that's all over now that Santa discovered the Genuine Cell Pal Holster - The ULTIMATE in Concealed Carry Holsters. With the patented design of the Genuine Cell Pal Holster, Santa carrys where he wants, when he wants and carries the caliber the wants from full sized 45's to pocket carry .32 calibers. Being able to conceal hundreds of guns with one holster, even revolvers and having maximum concealed comfort when carrying is fantastic. No one even suspects he has his concealed carry gun on because his gun now rides BELOW the waistband of his pants, not IN the waistband. No more out tucked shirts, no more discomfort while sitting in the sleigh and no more uncomfortable digs as he swoops down the chimney!
Santa has been amazed how the Genuine Cell Pal Holster with its patented ergonomic design bends with Santa's body when he bends. No more poking. No more discomfort. In fact he hardly knows he has his gun on! His waist band acts as a retention device so he never worries about the gun falling out of his pants getting on & off his sleigh or swooshing down the chimney. His gun isn't getting caught up in his seat belt and when he's out to dinner his gun isn't getting caught on the sidearms of the seats.
Mrs. Claus is happier too!! The Genuine Cell Pal Holster's uses a real cell phone case to secure the Genuine Cell Pal Holster on Santa's waistband so he always has his cell phone with him. Now that Santa discovered the Genuine Cell Pal Holster he's back to HO HO HO and it's AH AH AH when it comes carrying concealed!
Because the company offers gift certificates this year, Santa & Mrs. Claus know exactly what those elves will have under their tree this year!
Deep discreet Concealed Comfort from your friends at - Don't wait - go an order yours today and pick up a couple gift certificates while you're at it! Share this !