Troy Industries SRAI-308-A3FT-00 13.8" MRF-308 Rail ARMALITE FDE in Decatur, Illinois For Sale
Price: $200
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
The MRF?s patented mounting system reinforces the barrel nut with a sturdy clamp and anti-rotation alignment lugs. Troy MRF BattleRails provide an uninterrupted rail extension and hand guard aligned perfectly with the host weapon?s flat-top receiver.- 13.8" MRF-308 BattleRail ? For DPMS LR-308 and Armalite AR10 A2-A4 Rifle Systems
Manufacturer: Troy Industries
Model: SRAI-308-A3FT-00
Condition: New
Price: $200.34
Availability: In Stock