Walleye - Perch - Steelhead Charter Fishing in Decatur, Illinois For Sale
Price: $145
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Walleye or Perch Charter close to home and reasonably priced available through September . A 4 person full day Walleye adventure is $145.00 Per person the full day price is a total of $580.00 .... A Perch trip is 80.00 Per person minimum of 4 people ..Price does not inlude CLEANING but is available ..... We fish year round if you want to catch it call me for the when & where . Walk in Stream Guided trips , float trips , nite fishing striped bass , walleye , pike , and muskies they can swim but not hide! .... we strive to create lifelong memories !http://www.adayawayfishingadventures.com/lake-erie-fishing-charters.html A one day License is $11.00 !
Captain Don @724-two-seven-two-one-four-seven-nine